2011年1月26日 星期三

My Japanese PROJECT 1

I love reading Japanese fashion magazines, especially NON-NO.
But usually I just look at the pictures instead of reading the words because I can't read hiragana and katakana.
but now I start reading the word and try to guess some of the meaning. It's quite interesting because I found out that in the fashion magazine, they us a lot of katakana.
for examples: 

Lots of people even they are not Japanese, they will still buy these kind of Japanese fashion magazines to read. It’s because we want to follow the fashion of Japan.
They use katakana, its easy for me to read and understand.
I think it's because one piece this word is come from English. And also, Japan loves the fashion in the UK.

The others example, カーデガ= Cardigan


 In this picture, they use 漢字 to emphasis the word (popular). It's more clear and understand easily  to the people who doesn't know Japanese.


皆さん こんばんは!
私はHELEN です。

I study JAPANESE studies because I want to learn more about their culture and the history of their life. Also, I love ARASHI and KAT-TUN(Japanese idol). 

I want to be a flight attendant. Last year, I applied for three different airlines but finally I failed all the interview. So that I come back to study ^_^
Now, my aim is to be a flight attendant in a Japan airline(JAL).

はじめまして、どうぞ よろしくおねがいします。
